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Topic 28 of 42: Lewinsky affair media coverage

Mon, Mar 2, 1998 (02:21) | Paul Terry Walhus (terry)
Get yer Lewinsky zippergate affair media coverage here.

1 response total.

 Topic 28 of 42 [media]: Lewinsky affair media coverage
 Response 1 of 1: Paul Terry Walhus (terry) * Mon, Mar  2, 1998 (02:25) * 11 lines 
So Paula Jones got captured as a pawn in the right wing effort to
dethrone Clinton and became a tool of these folks and then Monica got
drug in, or should I say, drudged in?

Starr has been, shall we say, aggressive in his pursuit of Clinton and
stops not even short of using moms against daughters.

We may be in a Lewinsky lull period right now but my prediction:

Things will pick up again.

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