Spring's Blog
Sunday, February 15, 2004
Monday, September 08, 2003
  The Responsibility Era - Bringing Responsibility to Government: "'...I relish the idea of documenting contractually a politician's commitment to serving their constituency...'
George Zimmer, CEO, Men's Wearhouse.
'... a worthy effort, reflecting much deep thought about the original intent of our Founding Fathers in creating a Representative Government by worthy men. But it is also a very much updated and needed application of the theory of 'responsibility'...'
Dave Hughes, 'The Founding Father of Electronic Democracy,' US Congress Office of Technology Assessment.
'It looks like you are preparing us for the future.' William Bailey Lockhart, Constitutional scholar.
'Where is it written that the American people are limited in the number of social contracts under which we allow ourselves to be governed?'
Jeff Aldrich, Founder of the Microtution Foundation.
'We have the Bill of Rights. What we need is a Bill of Responsibilities.'
Bill Maher, host of 'Real Time with Bill Maher'. " 
Friday, August 15, 2003
  Powered by audblogaudblog audio post 
  The Spring Virtual Community discussions and talk about Jane Austen, Colin Firth, movies, tv, sports, politics, news, radio, Austin, Texas Coverage of the Tour de France and Lance Armstrong. 
Thursday, August 14, 2003
  ABCNEWS.com : Power Outage Hits Northeast and Canada: "Major Power Outage
Electricity Out in NYC, Many Other Eastern Cities

N E W Y O R K, Aug. 14— A power outage struck several cities in the eastern United States and Canada this afternoon, wreaking havoc at intersections as traffic lights went out and trapping thousands of people in New York City's stalled subways. " 
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
  Symantec Security Response - W32.Blaster.Worm: "Based on the number of submissions received from customers and based on information from Symantec's DeepSight Threat Management System, Symantec Security Response has upgraded this threat to a Category 4 from a Category 3 threat.
W32.Blaster.Worm is a worm that exploits the DCOM RPC vulnerability (described in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-026) using TCP port 135. This worm attempts to download the msblast.exe file to the %WinDir%\system32 directory and execute it.

Block access to TCP port 4444 at the firewall level, and then block the following ports, if they do not use the applications listed:

TCP Port 135, 'DCOM RPC'
UDP Port 69, 'TFTP'" 
  Google Toolbar Installed Great stuff! 
  MSBlast picks on vulnerable computers Here's a real good guide that will enable you to protect your computer quickly. One tv show said this is affecting half the world's computers. No way? That seems like a hyped stat to me.

But still, take action now! 
  Mercury News | 08/13/2003 | Computer worm's punch grows

A crude computer ``worm'' targeting flaws in Microsoft Windows mushroomed into a full-blown Internet attack Tuesday, affecting as many as 1.4 million computers worldwide, according to a leading government Internet security center.

The spread of the so-called MSBlaster or LoveSan worm appeared to be slowing later Tuesday, computer security experts said. But it had already left a wide swath of bewildered computer users in its path, crippling some companies and government agencies -- like the Maryland Department of Motor Vehicles, which was forced to close its doors at noon.

Mercy Sakes! A 13 year old can bring the world to a crawl! 
  MAIN.org - Online Communication MAIN is the Metropolitan Area Information Network for Austin, Texas. My hometown. Curiously, they have a Bastrop address, this is a good thing!

The Spring got listed in their "online communication" section along with a lot of other cool links.

P.O. Box 328,
Bastrop, TX 78602

  The Spring Virtual Community discussions and talk about Jane Austen, Colin Firth, movies, tv, sports, politics, news, radio, Austin, Texas 
Saturday, March 31, 2001
  Well what is a blog?

It's some software I just got on blogger.com to maintain a weblog.

Let the weblog begin. 
An annex to the Springs discussions. Now that blogger has support from the Google Toolbar you'll see a lot more action here. How clever, Google!


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