What's going on in the political arena? Who's running? Who are you voting for?

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Topic Resps Subject
    1    36 introductions (sysop)
    2     7 Dole vs Clinton - the '96 election for president (terry)
    3     2 Austin's City Council (terry)
    4   523 Ramble (terry)
    5     4 The Mayor's race (terry)
    6     0 Lt. Governor Bob Bullock (terry)
    7    23 NATO and European politics (terry)
    8    17 campaign finance reform (terry)
    9    35 Presidential Election in the year 2000 (terry)
   10     7 Jiang Zemin and China: business, culture and peoples rights (terry)
   11    11 Iraq.  He's baaaaaaaaack! (terry)
   12    77 Clinton Presidency (terry)
   13     2 conspiracies of all flavors (terry)
   14     2 Susan Lee Solar - candidate for Governor (terry)
   15     6 Jessie "the body" Ventura (terry)
   16     9 The Impeachment of a President (terry)
   17    17 Senator Rodham (Hillary Clinton for NY Senate) (terry)
   18     2 Kosovo (terry)
   19    39 Race for the President 2000 (terry)
   20    84 George W Bush 2000 parody websites (sprin5)
   21    45 George W. Bush Presidency (sprin5)
   22     2 Democrats take control of Senate (terry)
   23     2 Bill Clinton talk show on NBC? (terry)
   24     0 Stock Market Crash of 2002 (terry)
   25     0 JFKs secret suffering - noble or deceitful? (terry)
   26     5 (terry)
   27     5 (terry)
   28     4 Austin smoking ordinance (terry)
   29     0 Will it be a crime in Texas to run Linux? (terry)
   30     1 redistricting Texas (terry)
   31     0 Sarbox or Sarbanes Oxley - making corporations responsible for accouting (terry)
   32     4 (terry)
   33     6 political blogs - the finest ones (terry)
   34     4 Presidential Debates (terry)

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